Holistic Therapy
Massage and Bodywork Artist Studio

Licenced Massage Therapist and Advanced skills Bodyworker

Julianne Daher B.S. L.M.T.
Original training completed in 1990 at Lansing Community College

My Philosophy is to be aware that we are different each day and should listen to our bodies! Use self care, exercise and bodywork to find balance and relief from tension and stress.

I have compassion and empathy for the human condition and am motivated to help others find solutions and relief to their physical complaints by observing the connection between mind, body and spirit.

In my free time I practice: Yoga, Gyro-tonics, Pound Fit. I collect and experiment with herbal teas and essential oils. I grow many herbs and flowers and veggies, and vow to support local business's and farms and bio-regionalism.